It breaks our hearts to confirm the news about the great Jay Leno, 74

After decades of holding the spotlight as the host of late night TV, Jay Leno is preparing for his final curtain call.The 74-year-old auto enthusiast is making end of life arrangements and leaving behind a chunk of cash to a museum that honors cars, a passion that almost killed him twice.After leaving behind his successful career as the host of late-night talk shows, Jay Leno launched a web series on (2015 to 2022) about cars.In November 2022, the former Tonight Show host was badly burned when a fire broke out in his Burbank,

California garage.“I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire.” Leno told Variety at the time “I am OK. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet.”According to reports, the now 74-year-old man was working under a car when the fire sparked. He suffered third degree burns on his face and got a new left ear after losing his first one to the fire.Unfortunately, his luck didn’t get any better.Only two months after the fire, he suffered a broken collarbone, two cracked ribs and two cracked kneecaps in a motorcycle accident.‘Treats Mavis like gold’Despite his body breaking down with aging, passion-related accidents and high cholesterol, the one thing that holds strong in his life is his love for Mavis, who he married in 1980

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