10-year-old crushed to death after foster mom sat on him

Some stories shake you to your core. This is one of them. A little boy, just ten years old, is gone. And the reason? Unfathomable.Dakota Levi Stevens had only been in his foster home for a month when his life was cruelly taken in a way that defies all understanding. His foster mother, 48-year-old Jennifer Lee Wilson, now faces charges of reckless homicide in Berrien County, Michigan. The details of what happened to Dakota are gut-wrenching, and I want to warn you for some disturbing details.According to reports, Dakota had run off earlier in the day before being found at a neighbor’s house. When they returned home, he misbehaved throwing himself on the ground, acting out,

Not just for a second. Not just as a momentary lapse in judgment. No — she pressed her entire weight — 340 pounds (over 150 kg) — onto a little boy who weighed just 90 pounds, for about five minutes.She did this while on the phone with his caseworker. Dakota screamed, but she kept sitting. Wilson later told police she assumed he was pretending. She reportedly asked Dakota if he was ready to get up, then questioned, “Are you faking?”But when she rolled him over, she noticed something chilling — his eyelids had turned pale.

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