I grew up in a home where character mattered more than cash. My parents weren’t wealthy, but they were generous—if they said they’d split the bill, they meant it,So, I was shocked when I married into a family with every luxury imaginable… but no shame,My in-laws were rich, with mansions and designer everything, but they never paid at restaurants. “Oops, forgot my wallet!” was their trick, leaving my husband and me with the bill,The worst? When they tried it on my mom.
They invited her to a fancy birthday dinner, and I warned her, but she said, “Don’t worry, sweetheart.”,Sure enough, after a lavish meal, my in-laws vanished when the bill came. My mom calmly ordered dessert and asked for the manager—one of her former students,He called them: “Your party left without paying a $1,500 bill. I’m sure it was a mistake.” Cue frantic excuses and a red-faced return—with a 25% “inconvenience fee.”,A week later, my mother-in-law stunned us: “We’ll each be paying for ourselves tonight.”,Sometimes, a retired schoolteacher is the best teacher of all.